LIFE Groups

Join a Life Group near you & get connected with people like you who are discovering what it means to follow Jesus in everyday life. We were made for community &  life is better together!

Life Group Times/Location:

  • SUNDAYSLife Group/Bible Study at 6:30pm, hosted by Tom and Linda in North Chatsworth, In-Person & on ZOOM (Meeting ID: 857 0193 0043,  Passcode: welcome)
  • TUESDAYS: Weekly prayer, currently on ZOOM (Meeting ID: 903 351 3067, Passcode: 760 751)
  • WEDNESDAYS: Men's Bible Study, 7pm, In Person - Northridge Campus
  • THURSDAYS:    Women's Bible Study, 7pm, In Person Northridge
                                 and on Zoom (Meeting ID: 903 351 3067, Passcode: 760 751)

Email Us (CLICK HERE) To Join a Group